
The book consists of two parts: general and special. Its introduction discloses the diversity of fungi, harm and use derived from them.
In the general part of the book a reader w! ll find a popular account on the structure and mode of life of fungi. The structure of fungus organism, the way of its formation and development are given a rather detailed description. Individual parts of Ascomgcetes and Basidiomycetes are also characterized on a large scale: a cap, hymenophore, hymenium, basidia, spores, flesh, stem, their formation mode and biological significance. The reproduction of fungi (vegetativc and sexual) is widely elucidated. A reader will also find data on the nutrient values of fungi. He will get acquainted with the growth conditions of fungi, their varieties, whereabouts, approximate reserves of edible mushrooms which grow up in the course of a year, Lithuanian forests abounding in fungi. Data on the gathering of mushrooms and their protection are also presented. Kith the number of mushroom gatherers increasing, the mushroom reserves arc observed to decrease gradually. In order to retain the mushroom reserves available it is necessary to become acquainted with and collect more numerous amount of edible varieties, nol. injuring the forest floor. In future it is expedient to establish "mushroom reserves" in areas mostly abundant in fungi. In this field hopes are being cherished for the elucidation of the mycorhiza phenomenon. The problem being solved successfully, a man will be able to grow desirable anlounts of valuable edible varieties where he wants.
In this book the information on fungi growth in culture and their anomalies is presented «s well. Poisonous fungi, possibilities of poisoning oneself by them and their pests arc widely described. Information on Lithuanian investigators of pileate mushrooms, fungi herbarium compiling, storage and systematic division of fungi is also presented.
The special part contains 431 descriptions of higher Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes of the most frequent occurrence in the Lithuanian SSR. Among them 258 edible mushrooms and 31 poisonous mushrooms are included as well.
Nearly every species has a colour plate. Their whereabouts, the vegetation period of a fruit-body are indicated, localities where they have been found are being mentioned for those of a rather rare occurrence.
The boolk is intended for readers of different specialities, for teachers (biologists), students, foresters, amateur mushroom gatherers and for those who store edible varieties.

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