Maps of the river Zeimena, Lithuania

Maps and aerial photos of the river Zeimena. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Zeimena. Google maps the river Zeimena, Lithuania, Vilnius county, Svencionys district, Kaltanenai, Svencioneliai, Sariai, Pabrade and Magunai municipality. Places near the river: village Naujoji Brasta, the lake Zeimenis, forest Pakretuone, forest Kukliai, Kaltanenai town, the lake Pelkenis, the lake Bernutiskis, the lake Kemsa, the lake Berzinis, the lake Sala, village Seniskis, village Lukna, the lake Kerotis, village Juodynėlis, the lake Juodynelis, village Slabadiske, forest Veikunu, forest Butvydu, the lake Telys, the lake Buivydas, village Jusiai, the lake Balciukas, forest Baranava, village Pempelka, village Birziskes, village Platuma, Svencioneliai town, the lake Salnaitis, forest Svencionėliu, village Statkuske, forest Dotenenu, village Sudota, village Kirdeikiske, the lake Sudetėlis, village Santaka, forest Rinkunu, village Rimkai, village Liuline, village Jaunadaris, forest Melagenu, forest Pabrades, the lake Aklutis, village Mazalote, village Meskerine, village Zirneliske, village Pajoriske, village Pazeimene, the ponds of Meskerine, village Sulkiskiai, village Baltadvaris, forest Varnenu, forest Vovere, forest Burbliskes, forest Naujadvario, forest Zvirzdziunu, village Pusalota, village Vovere, village Burbliske, Pabrade town, forest Trakine, village Silniskiai, village Mecianka, village Azubalis, village Trakine, village Vazeliske, village Cubele, village Azutakis, forest Zaliasilis, forest Kregzles, village Pailgis, forest Pailgio, village Sapiegiskes, village Pajusine, village Jusine, the lake Kacianagis, the lake Akis, village Uzupis, village Pazaliesė, village Druziliai, village Naujasedis, forest Martisiunu, village Santaka. Tributaries of the river Zeimena: brook Deme, the creek Sventele, the river Luknele, the river Sirgela, the river Kiauna, the river Dobis, the river Lakaja, the river Mezia, the river Gulbine, the river Berziobis, the river Saria, the river Bevata, the river Mera, the river Voveraitė, the river Dubinga, the river Skerdiksna, the river Mecanka, the river Petruske, the river Jusine, the river Savalka, the river Neris.Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: hillfort Paduobe, Labanoras regional park, Zeimena ichthyologic Reserve, Zeimena landscape Reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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