The river Vadakstis (tributary of the Venta, Mazeikiai district)

Vadakstis (Vadakstis) flows through Lithuania and Latvia, Venta ds. tributary. Length of 82 km, the catchment area of ​​1230 km ². Starts Auce surroundings, Latvia, about 30 km runs in Latvia, then to the mouth of the Lithuanian-Latvian border to the west. Flows into the Venta 186 km from the mouth of the Leckavos. Avg. slope of 73 cm / km. Avg. flow above Agluona 2.30 m³ / s, the above Ezerupės 4.40 m³ / s, the above Ašvos 7.30 m³ / s at the mouth 8.86 m³ / s.

Better at higher water levels.

Shoals, water agmenija.

WW 0/1 (1/2 -)

36.6 kr.Agluona. Vadakstis slowly flowing Lithuanian-Latvian border fields, the banks are overgrown with trees. Width of about 10 m. Avg. flow of 3.54 m³ / s. Avg. slope to Prūdupio 18 cm / km.

35.3 dš.Janmuiža.

32.6 kr.Prūdupis. Avg. slope to Ruba 23 cm / km.

31.3 dš.V-10.

30.9 Railway Bridge. dš.Ruba. Avg. slope to the V-5 59 cm / km. The river slowly flowing fields, the banks are bare, sometimes covered with trees. The coast a couple of groves. Width of 10-15 m.

30.4 dš.V-8.

29.3 dš.V-sixth

28.9 kr.Kliaupis. kr.Baryščiai. dš.Darzi.

27.5 dš.V-fourth

26.1 Reinforced concrete bridge. kr.Laižuva.

23.3 kr.V-fifth kr.Koroliaučius. Avg. slope to the stunted 22 cm / km.

21.0 dš.Krumini. Avg. slope of the V-1 to 36 cm / km.

19.4 kr.V-third kr.Purpliai. River appears woods.

17.4 dš.Kraukupė. dš.Viksnas.

16.4 dš.Pekšas.

14.7 kr.V-first dš.Murnijieni. Avg. slope of the V-2 to 49 cm / km. Rivers flow towards the estuary is accelerating.

12.6 dš.Ezerupė. River runoff increases by one-third.

12.5 Mazeikiu-Lakes highway reinforced concrete bridge. dš.Ezere. kr.Buknaičiai.

12.2 dš.Sustupė. The river flows to the estuary woodlands. Turns rare shoals.

Dš.V 6.6-second Avg. slope to the mouth 172 cm / km. Flow rate, the bed rocks, shoals. River width of 15-25 m.

3.3 kr.Ašva.

2.8 kr.Vaikštaris. kr.Leckava. kr.Leckavos mound.

0.6 dš.Pestilė.

0.0 Vadakstis flows into the sol.


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