The river Stirnele, Stirne (the lake Baltieji Lakajai tributary)

Stirnelės (Stirn) Stirniai emitted from the lake flows through TRAM lakes from them called TRAM, empties into the White Lakajai lake.

Throughout the year.

Aquatic vegetation, low bridges.

WW 0 (1 -)

6.8 roe deer Stirniai discharged from the southeast corner of the lake. Very winds flowing marshy coast. Flow is almost nonexistent. Width of about 5 m. Avg. slope at White Lake Lakajai 40 cm / km.

5.3 Molėtų-Labanoras road bridge. After the bridge the river flows through a tube. dš.Stirnelė.

4.1 roe deer lake flows into the TRAM. Area of ​​23 ha and a maximum depth of 3.2 m, id. depth of 1.16 m. Length of 780 m, a maximum width of 460 m. Shores mostly low, P.R. and š.r. forested, š. marshy coast.

3.7 š TRAM TRAM marries lake. kr.Apkartai. Just felt current.

2.6 TRAM TRAM flows into the lake. Area of ​​28 ha, a maximum depth of 1.2 m, id. depth of 0.7 m. Length of 1230 m, a maximum width of 390 m. Shores mostly low, marshy. dš.Čiulai.

1.3 TRAM TRAM emitted from the lake. Current slow-medium.

0.7 tiltukas.

0.1 Wooden Bridge. Antalakajos.

0.0 TRAM White Lakajai flows into the lake.


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