The river Verseka (tributary of the river Merkys, Varena district)

Verseka flowing Šalčininkų and Varėnos district., Merkys cr. tributary. Length of 48 km, the catchment area of ​​375 km ². Starts Dailydžių surroundings, 9 km r. from Eišiškių to Lithuanian-Belarusian border. From spring to the confluence with the sludge flowing into the wind. through Eišiškės is called Gornostajumi; continue flowing into š.v. Flows into Merkys 78 miles from its mouth, 7 km SW the Valkininkai. Avg. slope of 111 cm / km. Avg. flow at the mouth 2.62 m³ / s.

Throughout the year.

Burr, low bridges, a few rifts.

WW 0 (1)

31.3 Eišiškių-Prūdelio road bridge. By Eišiškių 3.3 km. The river to Starks channeled. The river width of about 7 m,

30.7 dš.Aklianka. dš.Geišmantai.

28.2 dš.Starka. kr.Kudelionys.

27.6 Eišiškių-Kalesnikas road bridge. kr.Verseka II.

27.5 dš.Nedilė.

25.4 kr.Turė. kr.Zubiškės. Eišiškių pond start.

23.6 dš.Juodupė.

21.7 kr.Verseka I dš.Matuizos.

20.8 Eišiškių HE Dam. Height of 9 meters, the pond area of ​​129 ha. Avg. slope to the mouth of 78 cm / km. The river meanders pamiškėmis, the banks are steep in places, up to 12 m in height, covered with rare trees, shrubs, a burr, užvirtusių trees. Current average. dš.Balandiškės.

17.8 Bridge.

14.6 kr.Paversekys.

12.9 kr.Pasgrinda. dš.Butvydonys. Indigenous pond start.

12.2 Giniūnas-Jakėnai road bridge. kr.Giniūnai.

11.8 kr.Blanka. kr.Giniūnai.

8.9 dš.Krūminių mound.

8.0 Posterior HE Dam. Height of 6 m, the pond area of ​​53 ha. The valley opens, the banks sužemėja. Burr rarer. The coast forests.

7.2 dš.Taurupis. Former Bridge. Shoal. kr.Krūminiai.

5.0 Matuizų-Valkininkai road bridge.

3.2 Wooden Bridge.

1.9 kr.V-first

1.0 Bridge.

0.0 Verseka flows into Merkys. kr.Melupiai.


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