The river Veivirzas (tributary of the Minija, Klaipeda district)

Veiviržas flowing Klaipeda and Silutes district., Minija left and the largest tributary. Length of 71 km, the catchment area of ​​686 km ². Begins with an experienced forest, 3 km š.r. from Endriejavo. Originally Kapstatas flows through the lake again. Since Antkopčio Veiviržėnų before flowing into the p., Then to the mouth of the pv The riverbed of Veiviržėnų very curvy. Flows into Minija 21 miles from its mouth, 6 km to the p. from Priekulė. Furrow width to Mikuzy (25 km from the mouth) of about 10 m, depth of 0.5 m in the summer. Avg. slope of 155 cm / km. Flow rate at Sakuotėliais (9 km from the mouth): max. 86.3 m³ / s avg. 7.85 m³ / s, min. Summer 0.85 m³ / s, min. Winter 1.20 m³ / s. Avg. flow at the mouth 9.06 m³ / s. In spring, the river flows by 30% in the summer of 7%, 27% in autumn, in winter 36% of the total annual volume of water. Veiviržo pool asymmetrical; major tributaries - Left.

Spring thaw, rain and flooding during thaws. From Ašvos - all year round.

Shoals, rapids, burr.

WW 0/1 (2)


60.3 Bridge. dš.Žemguliai. Flow rate of 0.5 m³ / s flow rate, river shoals, burr. Width of about 5 m. Hills covered with trees, and shrubs. Avg. slope to Šukaičio 212 cm / km.

57.7 The Dirsteikos River flowing forest. Many burr.

56.2 dš.Dirsteika.

54.9 dš.Juodupis. Dirsteikai inflow and river flow Juodupys deliberately increases.

54.7 NewYork highway bridge. Highway Kaunas-Klaipeda Bridge. kr.Antkoptis. Below the river flows woodlands, width 4-6 m. Rivers flow acceleration. Rubble shoals. Patches shores are steep, narrow valley. Current fast.

53.9 Bridge.

52.3 Bridge. kr.Kiaulakiai.

50.6 kr.Drobūkštis.

50.1 Bridge.

48.9 kr.Liekna.

47.3 kr.Krioklys. kr.Rusinai.

46.9 dš.Kastys. dš.Stirbiai. River plumpness of up to 10 m. Current fast. Rift, burr. Valley is a narrow, steep banks.

45.2 kr.V-fifth kr.Tarvydai.

42.4 kr.Šukaičiai. Avg. the slope of the floodplain to 282 cm / km. Current velocity, shoals follow one another.

40.1 kr.V-third kr.Vištiškiai. dš.Trepkalniai.

38.5 dš.Vilkiai.

37.5 Bridge. Veiviržėnai.

37.4 tiltukas.

36.9 kr.Veiviržėnų mound.

35.8 of the former dam site transitions.

35.6 Švėkšna-Vėžaičiai road bridge. dš.Veiviržėnai.

34.2 kr.Upita.

32.9 dš.Graužupis. dš.Vyskupiškiai. Confluence episcopal mound.

31.1 kr.Šalpė. The river gradually calming down, about 2 km flowing forest. Avg. slope to Aisės 60 cm / km.

28.2 kr.Pintakis. kr.Mockaičiai. By Senupelio flowing forest.

27.6 kr.Senupelis. kr.Mižuikiai. Confluence Mockaitis (Šiuraičių) mound.

26.5 Švėkšna and pebbles road bridge. dš.Skomantų Mound (about 200 m from the river). kr.Mikuižiai. Far below the remains of the old bridge - poles, light transitions.

24.6 kr.Kuisis.

22.9 dš.Šalteikė.

22.2 kr.Santakys.

21.5 dš.Luišės. kr.Šarkiškiai.

20.1 kr.Ašva. The river calms down. Bank to the mouth of the steep, up to 10 m tall, narrow valley. Width of the river to the mouth of 10-15 m. By Cable Veiviržas flowing Stonaičių, Begėdžių forests.

15.5 dš.Stonaičiai.

13.9 dš.Stankaičių mound.

12.4 kr.Kebeliai. dš.Stankaičiai. kr.Vilkyčių autolenktynes ​​route.

9.9 dš.Aisė. Avg. slope to the mouth of 18 cm / km. The river flow is slow.

9.6 Bridge. cr. Sakutėliai. dš.Aisėnai.

6.4 Railway Bridge.

5.3 Silutes-Priekulė road bridge. kr.Vilkyčiai.

0.0 Veiviržas flows into Minija. kr.Daugmantai.


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