Maps of the river Sventoji, Lithuania

Maps and aerial photos of the river Sventoji. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Sventoji. Google maps the river Sventoji, Lithuania, Utena, Vilnius and Kaunas county, Utena, Ignalina, Zarasai, Rokiskis, Anyksciai, Ukmerge and Jonava districts, Zarasai, Salakas, Deguciai, Antaliepte, Dusetos, Juzintai, Uzpaliai, Svedasai, Debeikiai, Andrioniskis, Anyksciai, Kurkliai, Kavarskas, Vidiskiai, Zemaitkiemis, Ukmerge, Deltuva, Pabaiskas, Vepriai, Upninkai and Silai municipality. Places near the river: village Paluode, the lake Luodis, Sadauskas island, the lake Luodykstis, village Luodkos, village Luodziai, village Sabalunkos, village Zagarinė, village Marceliskis, the lake Mergezeris, the lake Mergezeriukas, forest Alaunes, forest Dumblynes, forest Giteniskes, forest Sausasilis, forest Tumiskes, village Salakas, the lake Asavas, the lake Asavėlis, the lake Samavas, the lake Apiritys, the lake Ilzikis, the lake Raguolis, the lake Boguzelis, the lake Raguoliukas, the lake Siurpys, the lake Siurpelis, the lake Upartas, village Drobiskes, village Gaideliskes, village Grybiske, village Samauka, village Mikaliskis, village Tiltiskes, the lake Zalvas, the lake Zalvelis, the lake Glusokas, the lake Kernys, village Bajotiskes, village Bikenai, village Vitkuskes, village Skeldos, village Blekiskes, village Galminiai, forest Drobu, the pond Antalieptes marios, the pond of Antaliepte, village Elkotiskis, village Bruzai, village Zokoriai, village Senadvaris, village Salinėnai, forest Pazemio, the dam at Antaliepte, the lake Gireles, forest Luzu, village Antaliepte, village Guntuliai, village Sarkiskes, the lake Silas, the lake Silinis, the lake Varlinis, forest Sruogiskiu, the lake Lukstinis, the pond of Sventoji, village Pasile, village Krastai, forest Baraukos, the lake Vainius, village Uztilte, village Dusetos, village Padustelis, the lake Sartai, village Didziadvaris, village Zabieska, village Kavoliai, village Kalbutiskes, the lake Rasai, forest Jaskoniskiu, forest Dusetu, the lake Agarinis, village Tarnava, village Ausrenai, village Bileisiai, village Tomakaimis, village Riskonys, forest Juzintu, the lake Liminas, the lake Salinis, village Ziukeliskes, village Vandinava, the lake Daglejelis, village Bindzeliskis, village Levizarai, the lake Pastys, forest Davainiu, village Likanciai, the lake Duvenelis, the lake Duvenas, the lake Zvirgzdys, the lake Pilasius, the lake Zvirgzdelis, the lake Ilgys, village Antakalniai, village Traidziunai, village Likanciai, forest Zaibiskiu, village Ilciukai, forest Silenu, village Degesiai, village Kaniukai, village Seimyniskiai, the pond of Uzpaliai, village Uzpaliai, village Lygamiskis, village Nevirza, forest Dvarasilis, forest Vyzuonu, village Jociskis, the lake Jociškis, the lake Kunigiskiu, village Vezeliai, village Pasvenciai, village Vainiunai, forest Vilkabruliu, forest Vaidagine, village Sventupys, village Zalioji, village Saltiniai, village Stasiskiai, forest Jononiu, forest Gerkoniu, forest Grikapeliu, village Kupriai, village Antupiai, forest Mickunu, forest Medinos, forest Galvydziu, village Pustinka, village Ragaisiai, village Micionys, village Gaidziai, village Legai, forest Starkoniu, forest Saldagiris, village Mikieriai, village Inkunai, village Plikiskiai, forest Simoniu giria, village Lasiniai, forest Smalinos, forest Magylu, village Sedeikiai, village Berzoniskis, forest Akmenos, forest Andrioniskio, village Griezioniskiai, village Pirmaliunis, village Arloviete, village Andrioniskis, forest Duobules, village Paandrioniskis, forest Vilkaraistis, forest Latavos, village Latava, forest Niuroniu girele, village Sabaliunai, village Migdoliskis, the lake Krivinsku, village Azupiečiai, village Gyliai, village Seiminyskeliai, village Lagedziai, forest Pavares, Anyksciai town, the pond of Anyksciai Kvarcas, village Jurdzikas, forest Anyksciu silelis, forest Pienioniu, forest Katleriu, village Peniainkai, village Murelis, village Pesliai, the lake Budragaidis, village Abromiskis, village Sileliai, forest Puntuko, village Vetygala, village Daumantai, village Sestokiskiai, forest Pavirinciu, forest Vilkatenu, village Kalnuociai, the pond of Kavarskas, forest Zvirblenu, village Pumpuciai, village Judinys, village Paberze, forest Svirnai, forest Kupreliai, village Svirnai, village Riklikai, village Pramislava, forest Epusotas, village Pagoje II, village Dagia I, forest Jaksiskio, village Zemieji Svirnai, village Knitiskiai, village Selkava, village Radiskis, forest Kopusteliu, village Sventupe, village Liuneliai, village Vidiskiai, forest Vaisgeliskio, village Smiltynė, village Kunigeliai, village Musia, village Kadrenai, village Zujai, village Bernotiskiai, forest Dukstyna, village Dukstyna, forest Nuoteku, village Nuotekai, village Juodausiai, village Duburiai, forest Kraksliu, village Varkaliskiai, Ukmerge town, forest Vytineles, village Bugeniai, village Leonpolis, village Mikaciai, forest Bugeneliu, village Kalveliai, forest Saltupio, village Uzusiliai, village Kazlaucizna, forest Kalnu, forest Knyzlaukio, the lake Vepriu, village Juozapava, village Palauze, village Kultuvėnai, village Mikutiskis, forest Paupio, village Pasirvintys, village Dubiai, village Upninkai, forest Upninku, forest Vareikiu, village Kuniskiai, forest Santakos, village Jurkonys, forest Akmeniskiu, village Makaronka, village Santaka, village Lokeneliai. Tributaries of the river Sventoji: the brook Samava, the creek Glusokas, the river Ligaja, the river Stromele, the river Seliupis, the river Savasa, the river Liedele, the river Sniute, the river Svaitutele, the river Cibeikė, the river Uzos upelis, the river Zaduojos upelis, the river Zalve, the river Kriauna, the river Vasyna, the river Minkune, the river Ziegele, the river Pasiles upelis, the river Indraja, the river Prudas, the river Narupis, the river Alausa, the river Karciupis, the river Udrokslis, the river Pilpys, the river Bajoras, the river Devyniakuope, the river Uzpake, the river Ringys, the river Bradesa, the river Girbys, the river Vyzuona, the river Nasve, the river Narantis, the river Kerpis, the river Uolinta, the river Saltupe, the river Aknysta, the river Jara, the river Kirmelyne, the river Darzapievis, the river Vozupis, the river Saltupis, the river Aknysta, the river Pelysa, the river Vadaksta, the river Berzuona, the river Grieza, the river Biebe, the river Varius, the river Anyksta, the river Slekstupys, the river Valaukis, the river Elme, the river Piestupys, the river Saltupys, the river Tekme, the river Slave, the river Virinta, the river Susiena, the river Judinys, the river Teterve, the river Medziokle, the river Dagia, the river Lateksna, the river Alupe, the river Runa, the river Zizdra, the river Ruvesys, the river Kirne, the river Muiline, the river Siesartis, the river Musia, the river Karklaupis, the river Panuotekis, the river Duoburis, the river Siausupis, the river Dukstyna, the river Duoburis, the river Siausiupis, the river Ukmergele, the river Moliupis, the river Gniuza, the river Armona, the river Vaju upelis, the river Galba, the river Zirnaja, the river Sugeda, the river Vilkupe, the river Skardupis, the river Paskarbe, the river Udroklis, the river Geleze, the river Paskarbe, the river Korubis, the river Kriokslys, the river Sirvinta, the river Seipste, the river Musinis, the river Serksnupis, the river Sake, the river Malkosne, the river Kacerga, the river Mitupis, the river Kele, the river Neris. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: hillfort Galminiai, hillfort Siuksciai, hillfort Zokoriai, hillfort Verslava, hillfort Zaibiskiai, hillfort Seimyniskiai, Uzpaliai manor, Magylai mythological stone, hillfort Seiminyskeliai, Pasventupis (Puntuko brolis) stone, Puntukas stone, Vetygala outcrop, hillfort Zujai, hillfort Juodausiai, hillfort Ukmerge, Mokas stone, hillfort Dubiai, Grazute Regional Park, Sartai Regional Park, Vaiskunai geomorphologic reserve, Sventoji Landscape Reserve, Pelysa geological Reserve, Anyksciai Regional Park, Sventoji ichthyological reserve, Dukstyna entomological Reserve, Armona geological Reserve, Zuvinte Landscape Reserve, Sirvinta Landscape Reserve, Upninkai Botanical Reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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