Maps of the river Spengla (Dubinga), Lithuania

Maps and aerial photos of the river Spengla. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Spengla. Google maps the river Spengla, Lithuania, Utena and Vilnius county, Moletai and Svencionts districts, Joniskis and Pabrade municipality. Places near the river: village Joniskis, village Malunelis, Arnionys (Arnenai) fish farm, the ponds of Arnionys, village Arnionys, the lake Arinas, the lake Galonas, the lake Luksteliu, the lake Lukstinis, forest Varnenu, the lake Pravalas, the lake Vidugiris, village Skardziai, village Sliuzai, village Zverynas, the lake Spenglas, village Spenglas, village Matakieniai, forest Spenglo. Tributaries of the river Spengla: the brook Drigunka, the creek Jutoniu upe, the river Nikaja, the river Arina, the river Dubinga. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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