Maps of the river Siause, Lithuania

Maps and aerial photos of the river Siause. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Siause. Google maps the river Siause, Lithuania, Siauliai county, Siauliai and Kelme districts, Bubiai and Tytuvenai municipality. Places near the river: village Pasiause, the lake Rekyva, forest Dzidu, forest Jankaiciu, forest Barsukyne, forest Pagervynes, the pond of Pasiause, the dam at Pasiause, forest Spitkiskes, village Elvyrava, village Valaiciai, village Meiziai, village Sidabriske, village Gedvilaiciai, village Gailaiciai, village Pasiausiukas, village Gembutiske, village Liepynai. Tributaries of the river Siause: the brook Vezius, the creek Maldenis, the river Trinke, the river Durupis, the river Sarkvedis, the river Kusupis, the river Dubysa.Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Rekyva Botanical - Zoological Reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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