Maps of the river Seira, Lithuania

Maps and aerial photos of the river Seira. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Seira. Google maps the river Seira, Lithuania, Alytus county, Lazdijai and Druskininkai district, Leipalingis and Veisiejai municipality. Places near the river: village Tautenai, the lake Seirijis, forest Gijuniskes (Tijunamiskis), the lake Giedavardys, the lake Krastas, the lake Leipalingio, the pond of Leipalingis, the dam at Leipalingis, village Saltoniske, village Druskininkeliai, village Mikalina, village Dulgininkai, ežeras Dulgas, forest Norkunu, forest Guroniu, village Norkunai, village Guronys, village Baltosios Ancios, forest Krivoniu. Tributaries of the river Seira: the brook Lankuva, the creek Sagavo upelis, the river Svento Jono upelis, the river Vilkupis, the river Senkone, the river Dulgele, the river Baltoji Ancia. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Leipalingis Park. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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