Maps of the river Nova, Lithuania

Maps and aerial photos of the river Nova. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Nova. Google maps the river Nova, Lithuania, Marijampole county, Sakiai district, Sintautai and Kudirkos Naumiestis municipality. Places near the river: village Voveriai, village Urbantai, village Kirmiskiai, village Bliukiskiai, village Kutai, village Klepai, village Gustainiskiai, village Buksniai, village Kasikenai, village Vaisvilai, village Totorvieciai, village Kaupiskiai, village Apirbiskiai, village Zaltynai, village Panoviai, the pond of Sintautai, the pond of Totorvieciai. Tributaries of the river Nova: the brook Poskupis, the creek Berzta, the river Karciupis, the river Burliokupis, the river Berzupis, the river Kumelupis, the river Vinksnupys, the river Silupe, the river Sunupis, the river Sedvyga, the river Ezerelis, the river Sernupis, the river Myzupis, the river Tamosupis, the river Sparvingupis, the river Kekstupis, the river Alksnupis, the river Akmenupis, the river Skersinis, the river Rogupis, the river Mockupis, the river Gelezupis, the river Penta, the river Sesupe. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: hillfort Klepai, Nova hydrological reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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