Maps and aerial photos of the river Mincia. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Mincia. Google maps the river Mincia, Lithuania, Vilnius and Utena county, Svencionyd, Ignalina and Utena districts, Tauragnai, Ignalina, Linkmenys and Kaltanenai municipality. Places near the river: village Minciakampis, village Rugsteliskis, village Paazvintis, village Aukstaglynis, the lake Utenas, the lake Utenykstis, forest Mincios, forest Daunoriu, forest Azvincių giria, forest Vyziu, village Vaisnoriske, the lake Knytys, the lake Gervetis, the lake Baltele, the lake Byvainis, the lake Byvainelis, the lake Ziegzmaris, village Strazdai, village Suminai, the lake Baluosas, Ginuciai watermill, village Ginuciai, forest Linkmenu, the lake Sravinaitis, forest Papiliakalnes, the lake Linkmenas, the lake Asekas, forest Linkmenu, the lake Alksnas, the lake Asalnykstis, the lake Asalnai, forest Pabirzes, forest Palises, the lake Lusiai, village Paluse, the lake Sakarvai, forest Sakarvos, village Siline, village Drutunai, village Sakarva, village Motiejunai, village Naujieji Bajorai, village Senieji Bajorai, the lake Zeimenys, forest Pakretuonio, village Obelų Ragas, forest Obelu Rago, village Ozkiniai, Kaltanenai town, forest Linkiskiu. Tributaries of the river Mincia: the brook Miedna, the creek Azvinte, the river Knytele, the river Almaja, the river Dringykscia, the river Kretuona, the river Laukupe, the river Jaurupe, the river Zeimena. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: hill Ladakalnis (Ledakalnis), Aukstaitija National Park. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals: