Maps of the river Ligaja, Lithuania

Maps and aerial photos of the river Ligaja. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Ligaja. Google maps the river Ligaja, Lithuania, Utena county, Utena and Zarasai districts, Deguciai and Salakas municipality. Places near the river: village Gateliai, the lake Sylys, the lake Grabelis, the lake Pestikis, the lake Varlys, the lake Ilgys, the lake of Brinkliskiai, forest Mincios giria, the lake Siekstelis, ežeras Katišius, ežeras Alksnas, ežeras Vastalis, village Vajasiskis, village Pusliai, village Astrakalnis, village Uzeniskes, village Trinkuskiai, the lake Aviniuostėlis, the lake Ligajai, forest of Kloviskiai, forest of Salakas, village Gruodiske, village Aviniuosta, village Vilkiskes, village Cepeliskes, the lake Kovinelis, the lake Kovinis, the lake Ligajykstis, village Azuraisciai, village Kiemonys, the pond Antalieptes marios. Tributaries of the river Ligaja: the river Vovera, the brook Ilge. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: hillfort Uzeniske, hillfort Kiemoniai, Balciai Telmological Reserve, Grazute Regional Park. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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