Maps of the river Lakaja, Lithuania

Maps of the river Lakaja. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Lakaja. Google maps the river Lakaja, Lithuania, Vilnius and Utena county, Moletai and Svencionys districts, Inturke, Labanoras and Svencioneliai municipality. Places near the river: village Fedariskiai, the lake Juodieji Lakajai, the lake Lakajos, forest Rasios, forest of Inturke, village Lakaja, village Palakajys, the lake Baltelis, the lake Ziezulinis, the lake Kanapiamerkis, the lake Varniukas, the lake Motiejiskis, village Zablote, the lake Guduniskis, village Imuliskis, the lake Avikinis, the lake Mazasai Siaurys, the lake Vainiunu, village Ziezdrelis, the lake Aldikis, the lake Gilutis, village Zukaucizna, village Paaldikis, the lake Lakaja, village Kumelyne, forest Labanoro giria, village Rutovcizna, village Vilkaslastis, village Toleikos, the lake Blusine, the lake Balkutis, the lake Salduskis, village Algirdiske, the lake Krakinys, village Lamanina, the lake Juodezeris, the lake Gilutis, the lake Snieginis, the lake Versminis, village Sekuske I, village Sekuske II, forest of Svencioneliai, village Santaka, village Rimkai. Tributaries of the river Lakaja: the brook Gudunėle, the river Persoksna. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Labanoras Regional Park. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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