Maps of the river Kretuona, Lithuania

Maps of the river Kretuona. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Kretuona. Google maps the river Kretuona, Lithuania, Vilnius county, Svencionys district, Svencioneliai municipality. Places near the river: village Vajukiske, the lake Kretuonykstis, the lake Juodynas, the lake Ilgaitis, the lake Kretuonas, village Reskutėnai, village Pervieniskes, village Akmeniskiai, village Lygumai, village Rekuciai, the lake Vajuonis, forest Klinauka, village Kretuonys, forest of Pakretuone, Pakretuonė, the pond of Pakretuone, Pakretuone watermill, village Kretuonele, the lake Zeimenis. Tributaries of the river Kretuona: the brook Ceikinė, the creek Miskine, the river Svinte, the river Juodyne, the river Zaugeda, the river Vajuonele, the river Zverupe, the river Tuola. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Aukstaitija National Park, hillfort Reskutenai, Kretuonas Landscape Reserve, Kretuonas ornithological reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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