Maps of the river Krazante, Lithuania

Maps of the river Krazante. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Krazante. Google maps the river Krazante, Lithuania, Siauliai county, Kelme district, Kražiai, Pakrazantis, Lioliai, Kelme and Kukeciai municipality. Places near the river: village Savitiske, Kraziai town, the pond of Vejine, village Katiliske, village Aliosiske, village Sodaliai I, village Papiliai, village Pakrazantokai, the pond of Valpainiai, village Blinkiskiai, village Burniske, village Vileikiai, village Suneliai, village Raudiske, village Morkiske, village Griniai, village Pakrazantis, village Petkiskiai, village Uzmedziai, village Kupre, forest Kupre, village Pluskiai, village Simaitukai, village Simaiciai, forest of Simaiciai, forest of Pagojis, village Paprudziai, forest of Paprudziai, village Vežaiciai, village Janauciai, village Notenai, village Zadvainiai, village Azuolinė, village Palekinis, village Kuzokai, village Sokiai, village Senlioliai, village Bumbulai, village Sakaliai, village Pakrazantokai, village Rikantai, village Juodlaukis, village Laukiai, village Rimvydziai, village Kakoniske, the pond of Pagojai, village Daujociai, village Driksiai, village Naudvaris, Kelme town, the pond of Kelme, village Vares, village Zvilgiai, forest Kelmes pusynas, village Kukeciai, village Paverpenis, forest of Zukiske, village Zvynakiai, village Burbaiciai, village Prusinskiai, village Zirginė, forest Apideme, forest of Sedvydziai, village Padubysys. Tributaries of the river Krazante: the brook Grabike, the creek Saka, the river Sakike, the river Sirupis, the river Silupis, the river Lysupis, the river Kurme, the river Kalnycia, the river Skende, the river Berzvilka, the river Obelyne, the river Smauglys, the river Ragansupis, the river Siupinys, the river Kupre, the river Malkupis, the river Eglyše, the river Piliaupe, the river Morke, the river Vegele, the river Kebliukas, the river Lauke, the river Lekinys, the river Pakrazantokas, the river Zydravis, the river Slaunis, the river Diksupis, the river Vilbenas, the river Slapike, the river Verpelis, the river Laukupis, the river Sardupis, the river Gumyza, the river Sudupis. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: hillfort Burbaiciai, Kražiu Medžiokalnio Botanical Reserve, Krazante hydrological reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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