Maps of the river Daugyvene. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Daugyvene. Google maps the river Daugyvene, Lithuania, Siauliai county, Pakruojis district, Rozalimas and Klovainiai municipality. Places near the river: village Banciai, village Padubysys, village Rozalimas, village Rokoniai, village Moniunai, forest Rozalimo silas, village Berziniai, village Krivaiciai, village Klovainiai, village Margiai, Margių miškas, village Palasmenis, village Padauguva, village Vaisvydziai, village Uosas, village Balsiai, village Meilūunai, village Petrasiunai, village Rimsoniai, forest Legminiu, village Impoliai. Tributaries of the river Daugyvene: the brook Dubulelis, the creek Prudupis, the river Alkupis, the river Kapupe, the river Sidabrupis, the river Prudgale, the river Dubulis, the river Ramyte, the river Sedimbala, the river Ozupis, the river Vingare, the river Lasmuo, the river Rytbale, the river Lydziupelis, the river Lankupelis, the river Saka, the river Zanga, the river Gluosnupelis, the river Didziupis, the river Vielkupis, the river Dubysele, the river Silkupis, the river Raudonupelis, the river Kirmeliupis, the river Vyzbale, the river Dubysa, the river Kiaulupis, the river Galpelis, the river Saltupis, the river Ezerele, the river Kamsa, the river Dervelis, the river Vekiske, the river Vidupis, the river Juodupis. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Daugyvene hydrological reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals: