Maps of the river Aunuva, Lithuania

Maps of the river Aunuva. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Aunuva. Google maps the river Aunuva, Lithuania, Siauliai county, Kelme and Siauliai districts. Places near the river: forest Kibgire, forest of Aunuvenai, village Kibgirėe, village Daugirdai, village Uzberzynis, village Vidsodis, village Vaislaukis, village Kadagynas, village Dirvoneliai, village Aukseliai, village Aunuvenai, forest of Barboravai, village Degsne, village Uzsakiai, village Leliusiai, village Berzenai, forest of Berzenai, village Pasilenai, village Toleikiai, village Paventys, forest Pavencio. Tributaries of the river Aunuva: the brook Seskupis, the creek Juodupis, the river Spadravis, the river Bliurbinas, the river Gumilta, the river Razuolė, the river Karklupis, the river Satrija, the river Cedronas. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: the pond of Aunuvenai, Satrija hill. Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:al tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals:

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